BSidesVienna 0x7e8
Call for Papers / Participation - 2024
BSidesVienna 0x7E8 takes place on 2024-11-23.
Submission guideline
BSides is an open, international event, the official conference language for all talks, trainings and workshops (as well as submitted abstracts) is English to ensure our foreign friends don't feel all sad panda about missing things.
Time slots
We are currently seeking a selection of presentations (30 or 60 minutes) and shorter (15-minute) lightning talks.
Relevant topics
Topics of interest include (but are in no way limited to) the following:
- Information technology
- Network security & Cryptography
- Web Application security
- Mobile security
- Usable security
- Virtualization and cloud computing
- Innovative attack / defense strategies
- Forensics / Malware
- Embedded device security / IoT
- Physical security and lockpicking
- Biometrics
- Hardware hacking
- Phreaking
- Biohacking and modification
- Open source software
- Robotics (bonus points for bringing an actual robot)
- Massive abuse of technology
- Evolutionary computing
- History & Philosophy of computing
- Ethical and philosophical implications of hacking
- Disrupting politics & society (in a constructive way)
- Creating and maintaining safe-spaces & encouragement of female participation
The Jargon Lexicon contains a nice definition we think fits very well here:
hacker: n. [...] 7. One who enjoys the intellectual challenge of creatively overcoming or circumventing limitations. [...]
Past presentations
If you want to get a feel of what we're looking for, check out the BSides Vienna of our past BSidesVienna events:
- 2024: Go, submit for this one!
- 2023: Taslk Schedule
- 2022: Talk Schedule
- 2021: This year was skipped.
- 2020: This year was skipped.
- 2019: Speakers
- 2018: This year was skipped.
- 2017: Talk schedule (slides included)
- 2016: Talk schedule (slides included)
- 2015: Talk schedule (slides included)
- 2014: Talk schedule (slides included)
You can enter proposals until 2024-10-01 23:42 (Europe/Vienna), 1 week, 6 days from now.