Abdullah Joseph is a software engineer with a special interest in security and over a decade of experience. He worked as the mobile security team lead of Adjust, providing a secure mobile analytics service to clients around the globe, while overseeing the security of the company's open-source libraries integrated in over 25,000 mobile apps, totalling over 400+ billion data points and 25 petabytes of traffic per month.
He is also the holder of GREM, GMOB, GPEN and GXPN security certifications and a speaker at OWASP, CodeMotion, Hack-in-the-box, R2Con and Android Security Symposium conferences.
He currently works as a senior software engineer for an internet technologies nonprofit implementing secure and uncensored protocols for dissidents and journalists to communicate with the free internet.
- Nothing To Hide: Privacy-Preserving Cryptographic Authentication In Practice
Godwin Attigah is a Security Engineer at Google. Before working at Google, they worked at Microsoft's Cyber Defense Operation Center, where they primarily focused on detecting and managing incidents involving state-sponsored actors. Godwin's work in security includes reverse engineering, detection engineering, security tool development, statistical modeling, and machine learning.
- Malware And Exfiltration : A Telegram Story

Michael Bargury is the Co-Founder and CTO of Zenity, where he helps companies secure their low-code/no-code apps. In the past, he headed security product efforts at Azure focused on IoT, APIs and IaC. Michael is passionate about all things related to cloud, SaaS and low-code security, and spends his time finding ways they could go wrong. He also leads the OWASP low-code security project and writes about it on DarkReading.
- No-Code Malware: Windows at Your Service
Paul Coggin is a Cyber SME at nou Systems, Inc. His expertise includes space systems, service provider, and ICS/SCADA network infrastructure attacks, and defenses, as well as large complex network design and implementation. Paul is experienced in leading network architecture reviews, vulnerability analysis, and penetration testing engagements for service provider, enterprise, space systems and tactical networks. Paul is a regular instructor at International conferences teaching networking, hacking and forensics courses. He has a BS in Math\Computer Science, MS in Systems Management, MS in Information Assurance and Security and a MS in Computer Information Systems. In addition, he holds numerous industry network and security certifications.
- Hey You! Get off my Satellite!
Sebastian is well known in the german-speaking Infosec-Community. Besides medial coverage, Sebastian is the founder of Sec-Research GmbH and is author of a book about hardware hacking.
- Charlatans in InfoSec - from Kim to Jonathan

Steffen Robertz is a Security Consultant at SEC Consult who specializes in embedded systems. In his Job, he focuses on retrieving and reverse engineering of firmwares in order to find vulnerabilities. Due to his background as an electrical engineering student, he also takes interest in RF systems and hardware development. He already published multiple security advisories via the SEC Consult Vulnerability lab.
- Self-Labeling Electronic Shelf Labels

Timo Longin is a security consultant at SEC Consult at day and a security researcher at night. Aside from everyday security assessments, he publishes blog posts and security tools, holds talks at conferences and universities, and, most importantly, has a passion for CTFs. His main focus is on web applications; however, infrastructure and hardware are not safe from him either. As a well-rounded offensive security researcher, he tries to find forgotten and new attack vectors that make the unthinkable possible!
- Melting the DNS Iceberg - Taking over your infrastructure Kaminsky style
Wolfgang Hotwagner is a Research-Engineer at the Cyber Security Research Team of the Austrian Institute of Technology(AIT), where he works on various topics like "Pentesting", "Log File Anomaly Detection" and "Cyberrange". He is a linux enthusiast and practices it-security in his spare time.
- Logrotten - "It's not a bug"